March 28

03-28-2021Principal's LetterDr. Kelly Shewbridge

Dear Parents,

Thank you to all of the Dads who came out to pull up the sport court for the Easter Masses. I really appreciate your time and strength! 

As for the change in the mask mandate, while it is good to see as more people are getting vaccinated that the numbers are going down, our mitigation strategies have been working, and therefore we are not making any changes. 

Holy Week is upon us! The last collection for the Sisters’ Biblioteca in Peru is tomorrow, March 29th. Please send in your donation with your student. You may also donate online here: Donations for the Sisters

This week we will have our Annual Trek through the desert on Wednesday. This is for the school children only, so please, no parents. The children will need to wear their Isrealite clothing OVER their school uniforms. Please do not buy anything. The children may wear old bathrobes or an old pillow case with arms and head cut out with a twine rope. Use a dish towel and hair band for the headdress. 

The 8th graders will be presenting the Living Stations of the Cross Live at 11:15. Eighth grade parents only are invited to be in person. They will be live-streamed here: 8th Grade Living Stations

The dress code for the 8th graders has been previously communicated. Please adhere to this. 

The School Advisory Board is an important part of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School. The Advisory Board members help promote a clear understanding and communication of the mutual educational responsibilities of parents, teachers and school administration. These members assist the principal and pastor in making policies pertaining to the school. If you are interested in serving on this board, please complete this link: School Advisory Board 

We will have early dismissal on Wednesday at 12:30 to begin Easter Break. School resumes Monday, April 12th. 

After the Easter Break I will begin communicating more information and pictures of the new playgrounds that will be built at the school and preschool this summer!

There will be no Newsletter on Easter Sunday. 

Have a blessed Easter with your family.

Dr. Shewbridge