Fall Break Shouldn’t Break Us!
by Shannon David, RN, NCSN | 10/03/2021 | Nurse's LetterWhether it’s the slightly cooler morning temperatures, the fading evening sunlight or simply the arrival of pumpkin spice everything--Arizona “fall” has arrived and with it “Fall Break”! Whereas, last year, boarding an airplane and traveling across the country, attending football games and concerts, or gathering in groups was discouraged, this year those things are possible. Recall that in October 2020, many restrictions related to the pandemic were still in place and a great fear of a surge in cases following fall break activities across the country, loomed. This year we have the benefit of all we have learned, having worked together, “Home & School”, to create and maintain a healthy environment in which our children can learn and grow.
Frequent handwashing, spreading out, wearing masks when necessary, and being mindful of symptoms of illness are the actions implemented last year and they continue to be taught and modeled. We know these things are working as evidenced by the low incidence of illness in our school community. As you contemplate how to spend the upcoming time off, please keep the continued health and safety of our community in mind. The habits we have all adopted over the past 18 months to stay healthy can, and should, go with you wherever you go. Don’t let this short time off lead to a “break” in routine that causes a “fall” back into old unhealthy habits. We look forward to seeing everyone back on campus, after break, refreshed, recharged and ready to continue in our pursuit of those things that make us “Smart, Healthy & Holy!”
St. Francis of Assisi, pray for us!