November 14

11-14-2021Principal's LetterDr. Kelly Shewbridge

Good evening,

The Dads’ Club Movie Night was a success. Thank you to all of the families who came out and enjoyed the movie. Unfortunately, my husband and I were under the weather, so I am sad we missed it! This is always so much fun!

The Book Fair was also a huge success. Funds raised through this event will go to purchasing new books for the library! Thank you to all of the parents who also supported the Teacher Wish Lists for books!

The Taste of Kindergarten this week went very well! The kindergarten teachers did an exceptional job presenting information about our kindergarten program. Their love for the children and the OLMC community shines through! We are also so fortunate to have the instructional aides who are always willing to assist wherever needed. Thank you Home and School for the refreshments and the volunteers who stayed to help with the children. We are so blessed to have this community.

Friday is a half day with a 12:30pm pick up.

Don’t forget the Thanksgiving Drive!

This is also credit card week for FFT. This means that all of your purchases with a credit card are fee free! They will be selling on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. You may order online and have it sent home too.

Friday we will have a Used Uniform Sale behind McCready Hall and we will sell FFT. Please do not enter McCready Hall until after the students are dismissed at 7:45. We will not be having a Home and School Meeting at this time.

There will be altar server training on December 11th at 9:00am. This is only for students in grades 6th through 8th in the Church.

See you tomorrow,
Dr. Shewbridge