‘Work for the People’

by Shannon David, RN, NCSN  |  01/16/2022  |  Nurse's Letter

To say that this past week was unsettling would be a tremendous understatement! For many, the daily reports of new COVID cases paired with the numerous media reports of school closures, or returns to the virtual classroom, reignited some fears long ago extinguished. The escalation in the number of COVID cases throughout the community this week was staggering 

(Maricopa County reported 14,186 cases for January 10, 2022 EPI Curve) and our school community was hit hard.

Data Summary for the week of January 10 - January 14, 2022:

  • New COVID cases: 22
  • 27 persons were placed in quarantine, being identified as close contacts and not meeting eligibility criteria for exemptions. 
  • 9 persons were sent home with symptoms of illness and guidelines for testing.
  • 54 student absences due to illness (non-COVID). 
  • Average 10.8 students absent per day due to non-COVID illness

(2.6% of the student population).

In response to the increase in COVID cases, we have increased our vigilance in adhering to the established protocols in the “Smart, Healthy & Holy” Plan. Additionally, temperature checks and surveillance in classrooms with active cases resumed, and anyone developing signs of illness was sent home. What we have not done, and will not do, is develop a plan for closing the school or reverting to on-line learning because we know how detrimental that is to our children!

Having been through lulls, peaks, surges and waves, we know that, though challenging, we can make it through this latest phase of the Pandemic by working together, Home & School. Please continue to monitor your child/children for illness and keep them home if they are sick. Please contact the Nurse’s Office if you have questions regarding your child’s fitness for school.

One Sunday in late July, 2020, I heard a homily that stuck! The priest was actually giving his homily on a homily that had been given by St. John Chrysostom (Bishop and Doctor of the Church) in the 4th century. The priest explained that St. John Chrysostom taught that if you were on your way to church, to celebrate liturgy (Greek, translated work for the people) , and passed a person in need and you did not stop to tend to that person, you shouldn’t even bother entering the church building because you had missed your ‘liturgy’; your ‘liturgy’ was in that person you passed by. We see our kids as those in need, and we won’t pass them by. Rest assured, the Administration, Teachers and Staff of OLMC will continue to do our ‘work for the people’! See you Tuesday morning! St. John Chrysostom, pray for us!