May 23

by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge  |  05/23/2021  |  Principal's Letter

Dear OLMC Community,

The Home & School Coffree on Friday had a wonderful turn out! Thank you to so many of you who came out to learn about and be a part of the Home & School Board. I will send more information about the volunteer opportunities in case you were unable to attend. 

Here is information for the last week:

*Thursday is Mass for 5th and 6th grade. Please have your child wear his/her mass uniform. 

*Thursday is the last day with a 12:30 dismissal. We will have our class parties in the morning and then settle down for Mass together before we break for the summer. 

*Finally, Report Cards and ITBS test scores will be sent home on Thursday along with any other memories or materials. 

*Just a reminder, during the re-enrollment process you were informed that Books and Fees for the next school year will be surepayed on June 10th. If you have any billing questions contact Rita Villegas . 

Thank you for another wonderful year. I feel so blessed to be a part of this community and to spend my days with your children!


Dr. Shewbridge