March 5

by Dr. Kelly Shewbridge  |  03/06/2023  |  Principal's Letter

Dear OLMC Community,

The second graders’ First Reconciliation Service was beautiful on Wednesday. Thank you to the St Therese group for the lovely reception afterwards. The children were so well prepared! The Father/Daughter Dance on Saturday was a blast! Thank you to the Dads’ Club for another amazing event.

This week at OLMC:

Dad’s Club is having their Food Fundraiser at Chipotle on Baseline and Rural from 4:00-8:00pm. Please see the flier for more information and pick up your SCRIP at 10%!

There will be no Mass on Wednesday as there will be construction in the Church. In the evening the 6th grade is having their Greek Night for 6th grade families to showcase what they have been studying. It is going to be a great evening of fun!

This is the first of two days to bring in donations for our Lenten Service Project. Children may bring money into the classroom or you can donate online for E3 Africa

Thursday is a half-day and the last day before Spring Break!

No School- Teacher In-service.

Deadline for purchasing a Yearbook Ad. Please remember that all students grades Kinder-8th will receive a yearbook. 

Dads’ Club is also selling March Madness Brackets. Purchase brackets here! Contact Mr. Brad Nicholas for more information

Movie Night on the Field is on Sat, Mar 25 at 6:45pm. Buy your Family Meal of 1 pizza, 4 waters, and 4 popcorns now! The meal can only be pre-purchased: Movie Night Family Meal Package

We will not return to school until Mon, Mar 20. 

Have a wonderful Spring Break!
Dr. Shewbridge